
Welcome to a Most Effective Marriage Prep Program!

For Better and For Ever is an innovative Christian marriage preparation and enhancement program that understands that even the best marriage preparation is not enough to adequately prepare couples for the reality of marriage beyond the wedding ceremony. It offers resources and training materials both for couples and marriage educators. Redemptorist Fr. Robert Ruhnke, C.Ss.R, is the programs director. One of the unique features of the program is the emphasis on Sponsor Couples who follow up with young married couples, acting as mentors and support. There is also a manual For Better and For Ever that covers important marriage issues such as: Study of Your Family of Origin, Money Matters & Career Planning, Planning the Wedding, Options for Mixed Religion Marriages, Parenting, Couples who are Living Together, Blended Families, Rituals of Engagement, Prayer, Marital Spirituality, and more.

If you are responsible for selecting a marriage preparation program for your church or organization we encourage you to contact, Fr. Ruhnke at 210-534-1129 or through their website.

Our cause is important. Our vision is clear. Our needs are many.