The Redemptorists Denver Province

Province Administration

The Denver Province was established in June of 1996 when the former St. Louis, Mo., and Oakland, Calif., provinces were merged. Denver was selected as the site for provincial headquarters because of its central location to both former provinces. In 2005, the Vice Province of New Orleans was consolidated under the control of the Denver Province.

The Denver Province encompasses most of the continental United States as well as parts of Nigeria and the Amazon rain forest of Brazil.

The Extraordinary Provincial Council (EPC) is the governing body of the province, consisting of three elected officers (known as the Ordinary Provincial Council (OPC)) and four at-large members. The current Provincial is the Reverend Kevin Zubel, C.Ss.R.; the Vicar is Reverend Aaron Meszaros, C.Ss.R.; and the Consultor is Reverend Anthony Nguyen, C.Ss.R.

Our Administrative offices are located in Chicago, Illinois.

Some 150 Redemptorist priests, brothers and seminarians represent the Denver Province staffing various parishes and operating retreat centers, a publishing house (in Liguori, MO, just south of St. Louis), and the St. Clement Health Care Center (also in Liguori) where our elderly and infirm Redemptorists reside.

Redemptorists – Denver Province

Ordinary Provincial Council (OPC)
Reverend Kevin Zubel, C.Ss.R., Provincial Superior
Reverend Aaron Meszaros, C.Ss.R., Provincial Vicar
Reverend Anthony Nguyen, C.Ss.R., Provincial Consultor

St Michael’s Rectory
1633 North Cleveland Avenue
Chicago, IL 60614
Phone: 312-248-8894
Fax: 312-248-8852

Redemptorists – Denver Province
1633 North Cleveland Avenue
Chicago, IL 60614
Donations: 312-248-8894

OPC Staff
Kristine Stremel, Public and Community Affairs Director
Lori Schneider, Administrator

Office of Financial Services
Fr. Joseph Dorcey, Treasurer
Fr. John Steingraeber, C.Ss.R., Assistant Treasurer
David Slade, Comptroller

Mission Advancement
Bobby Borges, Donor Representative/Data Entry
Jim Mascolo, Marketing Director
Francisco Flores, Donor Representative

Other Redemptorists Sites
Conference of Redemptorists of North America
Redemptorists International

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