January, 2025

2025 Is a Jubilee Year!

Fr. John Schmidt, C.Ss.R.

Dear Co-Redemptorist,

Each new year brings hope, but also a sense of anxiety: what will happen this year! My hope is that 2025 is a year graced with peace and forgiveness, a year blessed with patience and kindness, a year filled with care for others.

This year, Pope Francis has declared a Jubilee Year, with the theme “Pilgrims of Hope.” He wants us to experience the hope which is God’s gift to us. Pope Francis uses the image of a pilgrim—people journeying toward a vision—to define the year. He sees the Jubilee as an opportunity to prepare ourselves for a great renewal in our life with Christ: “We must fan the flame of hope that has been given us and help everyone to gain new strength and certainty by looking to the future with an open spirit, a trusting heart and far-sighted vision.” I like this notion of hope. It fits so beautifully with our call to be followers of Christ the Redeemer.

2025 can be a year graced by God’s love and presence in all aspects of our world. This year, I invite you to deepen your Christian hope by reflecting on your relationship with Jesus the Redeemer and your work to help the poor and abandoned. The hope that Pope Francis wants us to reflect on is summed up in our care for others and our care for the environment. We are in a world that holds values that conflict with the values of Christ’s gospel. How will our witness be effective as messenger of hope in a wounded world?

Pray for the men in our formation program as they discern God’s call to them. Thank you for all your support over the past year. I’m glad you are part of the Redemptorist mission of bringing Christ to the poor and abandoned.

We ask Our Mother of Perpetual Help to pray for us so we may remain rooted in her Son: pray for us, holy Mother of God, that we may become worthy of the promises of Christ.

In Christ, the Redeemer,

Father John K. Schmidt, C.Ss.R.
Director, Co-Redemptorist Association

P.S.: Have you considered including the Redemptorists in your estate plans? Through your stewardship, you share in our many Redemptorists ministries. Will you join us on this final journey of Faith? Fr. Joseph Dorcey, C.Ss.R., Office of Financial Services, is available to discuss a special legacy gift that can continue the Redemptorists’ work beyond your lifetime. Send him an email, or call at 312-248-8894.