About redemptoristsdenver

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So far redemptoristsdenver has created 136 blog entries.

St. Gerard Majella

October 16 marks the feast day of St. Gerard Majella. Catholics throughout the world honor St. Gerard as the patron saint of expectant mothers and families, and his reputation as "The Mothers' Saint" continues to this day.


St. Clement Hofbauer

March 15 marked the feast day of Redemptorist St. Clement Hofbauer. St Clement is often called the second founder of the Redemptorists congregation for his ceaseless efforts to spread our apostolate throughout the world. Learn more here.


Blessed Francis Seelos

January 11 is the birthday of Blessed Seelos who gave witness not only in his zeal and prayerful union with the Lord, but also in the pleasant disposition and cheerful attitude which he brought to all his pastoral duties.

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